2. How long have you been married? 4 years
3. Where did you meet? Junior High
4. How long did you date? 3 years in high school, 2 years on his mission, and 7 months after he got home.
5. How old is he? 25 almost 26
6. Who eats more? It depends on what we're eating but most of the time it's a tie.
7. Who said, "I love you" first? Layne did & I said Ditto and he got mad.
8. Who is taller? He is but in junior high he wasn't and had to stand on a rock to kiss me!!
9. Who sings better? Oh Layne does, he actually sings really well but plays "tough guy."
10. Who is smarter? It depends, he has a lot more common sense (I say stupid things, and I do stupid things like get lost in the dark, and trip over my feet) But I'm pretty smart too, I think it's a tie.
11. Who's temper is worse? Me - I go a little crazy sometimes and he just sits there and laughs!
12. Who does the laundry? I do, but he'll help fold and put them away.
13. Who does the dishes? Neither of us - we use paper plates & plastic cups - we hate doing dishes! Except for washing Cael's bottles, we do that daily.
14. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Layne does but sometimes we switch, and sometimes we don't sleep together because he works a lot of graveyards so I get the whole bed to myself!!
15. Who pays the bills? We do it together, since I don't make any money anymore he wants to know where his money is going!
16. Who mows the lawn? I do - I love it, but sometimes he does, we take turns.
17. Who cooks dinner? Depends on what it is, but I do. Who am I kidding we eat out a lot!!
18. Who drives when you are together? Layne drives in the dark - I can't see very well, but I drive a lot, he drives all day in his cop car so he likes to just sit there.
19. Who is more stubborn? I am.
20. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Not me, I'm never wrong!
21. What do you admire most about him? That Cael and I are the most important thing in his life.
22. Who proposed? He did on a 4-wheeler ride.
23. What is his favorite color? Blue
24. Who has more siblings? I do I have 4 he has 3.
25. Who wears the pants in the family? He does, but I try to.
26. What does he do that surprises you? Everything - it's never a dull moment with Layne.
27. What is your favorite quality of his? He's a hard worker and a good kisser.
28. What is your favorite feature of his? His arms and his hair
29. Does he have a hidden talent? Yes but that is only for me to know about!!
So thanks to Heidi I was tagged so I now tag - Jen, Casey, Ashley, and Robyn
Layne, I'm so happy you like Kyle's waffles. Kyle couldln't stop talking about how awesome cael is!! Nat, we need to get together soon!!
I love the updated blog (background, embelishments, etc.) IT looks awesome and it was great to get to know more about you.
p.s. Have you ever seen the TV show "Numbers"? Layne looks like the guy on there (I can't remember his name). You'll have to watch it and see.
So we were blogstalking and found your guys' cute blog! Earl loved finding out Layne's middle name:) I can't believe how big Cael is getting! We'll have to get together again sometime.
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